Rilakkuma : Sewing Machine

Well hello again ! For the longest time that I have been ordering online it’s the first I had this “too fast” shipment. To think that there is a typhoon in nearby oceans lol. It took only 4 days or 3 and a half to be exact (~o~) well, I don’t know with you guys..maybe you had a lot faster than that but this is according to my past experiences.

My phone funshots of my baby girl this morning..


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Doll Diaries : Docolla Himura Kenshin (Mini Pullip)

Hello guys.

Its been a stormy month and thankfully my net was fixed ヽ(^Д^)ノ . So today I will be showcasing my newly opened Docolla Kenshin !

Wasn’t a fan of these type of dolls actually because its too small for me..I prefer bigger ones ! But since it’s Kenshin so lets have an exception to that (ツ)_/¯. And also the main reason I bought this is because Rurouni Kenshin sequel will be out next month which add ups to the vibe!

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