Digimon Adventure : G.E.M. Series Taichi and Yamato 1/10 Complete Figure (MegaHouse)

What if you woke in a another dimension, found an egg and the next thing you know you are destined to save that other world and that you are one of the chosen children?

I WAS SINCERELY wishing for this my entire life. I mean not just being a chosen child, but waking up in an anime world one day. Even if its in Shingeki ITS ALRIGHT ha ha ha.


DSC_0512 DSC_0513 DSC_0516It’s from G.E.M Series and was actually released way back in January of this year and I preordered it right away I mean its Digimon there is no time to doubt. I just felt like showcasing it now because I dreamt about Digimon last last night. Sounds legit. Pokemon and Digimon were simultaneously showing at the same time on different channels when I was in high school. And it was hard. I both love the shows and I just have to change channels every commercial to catch up with both, but I was actually more on the Digimon side. I probably liked the idea of being summoned somewhere and tada!

The first released editions came in with bonus trading cards. (That I did not removed yet from the boxes) So the new backordered will probably don’t have this cards anymore.DSC_0523

G.E.M Series – Digimon Adventure : Taichi “Tai” Yagami and AgumonDSC_0525It comes with an extra head, back support and a base. And Agumon is removable.DSC_0547. .. the hole and connecting spot in the head is where you are going to attach Agumon to Taichi which makes the hair a little bit chunky but it will be covered by Agumon anyways.DSC_0548DSC_0551 DSC_0557There is something odd with the lips though. .I’m not sure maybe the painting ?DSC_0556And the extra head comes in with Taichi’s killer wink 😉DSC_0558 DSC_0559DSC_0554DSC_0514These 2 have always been the most jolly buddies in the group. Like an Ash and Pikachu lolDSC_0510

Head is easy to interchange. You won’t worry that it will break. Most of the job paintings is alright. I like their colors and I’ve always loved Taichi’s shirt. The sculpting with the shorts and rubber shoes is pretty awesome as well. And Agumon looks cool in that I’m-about-to-fly position.

G.E.M Series – Digimon Adventure : Yamato “Matt” Ishida and GabumonDSC_0526Same, a base, back stand and an extra head but Gabumon is not removable unlike with Agumon.DSC_0527DSC_0539And well, Yamato is my crush of all the Digimon boys 🙂 I just like he’s arrogant  yet cool vibe though of course his as soft as everyone. I love Yamato’s turtle neck top and the way he slides his hands in his pocket  is too sexy for me :pDSC_0536 DSC_0540I somehow like the sculpting in Yamato’s hair. In this angle it actually looks like  he’s a super saiyan. o_O Maybe a long lost son of Son Goku ?DSC_0533 DSC_0537Gabumon’s details is pretty precise and it’s kinda cute how they were positioned. Shows just how much they love each other. And Gabumon seems like a squishy plush with Yamato hugging him XD The extra head is a full time I’m-so-happy Yamato smile and the sculpting of his lips is a little better compared to Taichi’s.DSC_0542DSC_0511-2

Still the same with head, easy to remove or change though Yamato’s is more flexible and “turnable” compared to Taichi where Agumon is attached so its kinda tight or else Agumon might fall off.

G.E.M Series did a pretty job with this first batch of Digimon figures despite being quite small (1/10 scale which is around 105mm) and the fact that they will surely release all children in the future. As a matter of fact, Hikari and Takeru are now open for preorder. Yup done with mine already can’t miss that :p Because they are the siblings of the first 2 figures so most likely the reason why they are next XD Just my intuition and btw like the first releases of it will also have the bonus trading cards. I can’t wait till the whole gang is complete!!! That would be awesome to display. And I super like that most of the 90’s anime now are being reproduced, first were the Sailor Soldiers then Card Captor and Digimon. I just wish that soon Magic Knight will also be reborn 😦 My all time favorite.G.E.M-Series-Digimon-Adventure-Takeru-Takaishi-PatamonAnd with this concludes my blog for today. I’m sorry it’s a bit spammy because I enjoyed a lot taking their photos XD Now off to another dimension ! Bye bye ~~DSC_0510

5 thoughts on “Digimon Adventure : G.E.M. Series Taichi and Yamato 1/10 Complete Figure (MegaHouse)

  1. Nice review, the way you talked about them was really cute! It made me believe you love digimon just like me. xD Great pics too! ❤

    1. Hello Anata!! Thank you so much for liking it ^_^ I have a vision though in terms of blogging my favorite figures to write things about them that would make the readers feel like that the characters are like my friends or buddies not just some plastic figures that Im showing off xD well Im a 90’s kid as well and those times are definitely irreplaceable so does all the animes during that years.

      And btw I am currently waiting for my 2nd batch of Digimon because they’re finally released, their siblings!! Totally excited to see them around next week hopefully and of course to review them as well 😁

  2. Well, it really works! x3 It’s always good to see my favourite characters receiving love from other people, like they really exist. ^^ At least in our hearts, they surely do!

    Today AmiAmi requested playment for my Taiichi, Yamato, Hikari and Takeru, so I hope they arrive together! I can’t even imagine my reaction when I see them all at once, will certainly make a review for them in my blog too. <333

    Do you plan on getting Koushirou, Mimi and the others too? Since they're exclusive, their price it's quite high for 1/10 figures… not to mention there's only one site selling them for international buyers :c

    1. Definitely. If I could get my hands on them I will complete the kids XD and even if they’re exclusives Ill probably have my sources on standby XD Goodluck with your PO’s as well. Can’t wait for the new ones ^_^

      I’d love to check out your blog as well. I can only see your gravatar though :O

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